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Sports Premium

Sports Premium is extra money that is given directly to schools by government. The amount given to each school depends on the number of children that we have in class from Reception to year 6. These rules are set by government and do change over time.

Sports Premium money is provided to allow schools to improve children's participation and performance in sports and activities such as dance. Each school can choose to spend the money as it wishes but has to produce a report about how it spent the money.

Click on the link below to take you to the sections which shows how much money we received and how it has been spent each year. The section for the latest year is subject to change as we decide how to allocate the money given to the school. Rather than impact results the last column indicates the targets that we are planning to acheive.

2023/24 - Evidencing the Impact of the Primary PE and Sport Premium


Swimming Proficiency 2017-2018
