0121 464 9900

Parent/Pupil Consultations

During the school year parents are expected to come into school specifically to talk about the progress their child is making. We expect parents to attend all 3 Parents' Evenings as this is part of the Home School Partnership Agreement. All Parent/Pupil Consultation meetings require parents and their child/ren to attend the appointment together.

ln October the first Parent/Pupil consultation is an opportunity for parents to discuss how their child has settled into their new class and to discuss with the Class Teacher the targets for their child to work towards during the coming months. (We allow 10 minutes per appointment for these consultations)

In March we will continue with our new system where one day will be set aside for meeting with parents and children on an individual basis. School will be closed for the children except when they come in with a parent for their consultation. This is a one-to-one opportunity to meet with the staff and look in depth at your child's books, review the targets set and to discuss his/her progress with the Class Teacher. (We allow 20 minutes per appointment for for these consultations in March)

At the end of the academic year in July, there is an opportunity to discuss your child's School Report during a drop in.

It is absolutely essential that parents and children meet with Class Teachers on all these occasions in order that they can be kept up-to-date with their child's progress. This way the continuing link between home and school can be developed and strengthened to benefit the learning of our children.

Staff will make every effort to arrange appointments at a suitable time during Parents' Evening and we offer 2 or 3 sessions for each Parents' Evening so that parents can choose either an earlier session or a session later in the evening.